OK gang,
this is gonna be short cuz I`m already tearing up upon loading the first of this round of pics. I leave tommorow at noon and I miss this place already. Lima not so much accounting for the smog induced low-level headache I`ve had since arrival.
I arrived last night from Iquitos, the Jungle City, approachable by boat and plane only. More accurately stated I spent my time at the Tucan Lodge an hour down the Amazon from Iquitos. I was ther a litle over 2 weeks. It is as gorgous as ever, in a profound sense. Evermore. The Amazon Rainforest has a permanent quality. Permanent because of its deep richness. Everywhere, everything is alive. A constant buzz and creek, and whistle and stab (mosquitos), swish and snap, hoot, scratching and movement in all directions. It would be acurate to compare it to NY except it isn`t such a monocrop. It steeps and infuzes everything that enters. The river feels like being held by a Mother. It feels safe and soft. But even (or especially) there, there are hundreds of other beings looking for a way into your body. Donating blood is mandatory. Soaking it in is aswell.
As I wax poetic of this dank love which abounds I realize again how metropolitan I am. My pictures, mainly of the people I encountered, betray my focus. I am glad I am young yet and have time to expand my eyes. Not to dis ofcourse. Some of these people have had a profound effect on me. Some of them were passing ships. I chose these pics as a general reference to this amazing journey, with a fcus on the days of late. I am so blessed. I am so Thankful for the time I have had here. Peru is the most dynamically rich country I have been to, including the States. We have a static richness in most cases. Static like it won`t follow you past the grave. I am not romanticizing, for Gods sake Peruvians make a lot of what I would call mistakes as well. But this country shines like the light which escapes you crown Chakra when your mind gets blown. This country blows minds. An overview of just the land includes: Tropical Jungle, High planes, Snowy Mountains, Volcanos, the Largest (I think)Canyon in the world (went right past it in my non-use of a guide book. Oh well, next time.) and beaches and beaches and beaches. There is also the sky. Talking it over last night I described it as "more heavy". But heavy like expansive, not oppressive like Seattle`s is a lot of the time. Like an Arch Angel, this part of the world Kicks Ass with Love and Takes Names.
And tommorow I leave. Really, I am glad to be coming back. I Miss Yall, and you know who you are. I miss the cold cold water and the feel of stones in my hands. I miss the parties and joy we create. I miss the Trees and Salt Water and the vision of mountains on both sides of me. I am stoked to nesstle in again. I am definately going to return though, to this Powerful and Beautiful place.
So for now, Goodbye. Goodbye for now. To all the roadside tea stands, papas rellennos, beautiful and strong people, crafts that reflect pathways of conciousness, dollars that go 3 times as far at least, people rich in spirit, lucuma and chocolate flake icecream, waves that are warm, nights that ask only for a Tank Top and shorts, misty silences where the air is thin, musty noisy hotel rooms, really delicious and near ubiquitous cevichè, sheltering skys, killing heat, durty streets, bad music, great music, Icecream beans (sacanchu), fruits whose flesh is the flavor so many french chefs try hard to create (no shit I ate a bunch, fuckin-unbelievable), hours in internet cafès, Peruvian Baked Apples, pink dolphins, the steel horse that rode many a mile, white sands only slightly heavier than air, liquados like satin sheets rolled in honey, markets that wear and exude there funk-ass richness like a beautifully crafted tattoo, rickshaw riot, woods like the blood of stone and reptile eyes, nights in high flight through terrains dark and watching, living under a back pack and sweet, sweet, sweet Inca Cola.
Wait for me.
I love you all.

you are a beautiful human being in so many ways. thank you for reminding us how open we can all be.